Huge range of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs for farm and garden. Order now for winter delivery or pick-up. 

Chojuro Nashi (Asian Pear)


Out of stock

Pyrus pyrifolia 'Chojuro' was raised in 1895 by Mr Chojuro Toma, Kawasaki, Japan. Introduced to USA in 1939, Australia in 1980. A spreading tree of moderate vigour. Fruits have white, firm, coarse flesh with a mildly sweet and distinctive aromatic flavour.

  • Pollination: Shinsui, Kosui, Nijisseiki, Hosui, Williams
  • Size: 4 to 5 metres when mature
  • Uses: cooking
  • Harvest: late Feb - mid-Mar
  • Features: Low chill, stores well

