Huge range of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs for farm and garden. Order now for winter delivery or pick-up. 


4 of 4 Items
  • Black Genoa Fig

    Black Genoa Fig

    Black Genoa is the leading commercial variety for fresh fruit production. The tree has an open and spreading habit. The fruit is dark purple at maturity, with red seeds and white flesh. It is a squat, pear-shaped fruit. It has a distinctive flavour and...

  • Brown Turkey Fig Brown Turkey Fig

    Brown Turkey Fig

    Ficus carica 'Brown Turkey' Fig is a small tree with sparse foliage. It crops well in most situations, but does not usually produce a breba crop. It is susceptible to souring during wet weather in coastal areas, but the fruit is reasonably resistant to...

  • Preston Prolific Fig

    Preston Prolific Fig

    Preston Prolific is thought to be a seedling of Black Genoa and originated in Victoria. The tree is vigorous with large leaves. The fruits are borne on a short stalk and green when immature, changing from straw to purplish brown when fully ripe. The...

  • White Adriatic Fig

    White Adriatic Fig

    The skin of this sweet-flavoured fig is mostly green with a golden tinge as it ripens. Inside the fruit is a beautiful pale to deep red colour. There is rarely a breba crop and if it does produce this second crop it is small in number. • Pollination...

4 of 4 Items