General Questions

No, we are not open for retail sales or browsing. We operate a mail order nursery and our plant stock is only available for dispatch in winter after it has been lifted and prepared for sale. Non-plant products can be ordered all year. Our plant catalogue is updated on our website and available for ordering from early autumn each year.

We accept orders for all products from the ACT, South Australia, Victoria, NSW and Queensland. We do not accept orders for plants from Western Australia, the Northern Territory or Tasmania. Please contact us if you wish to order non-plant products including engraved plant labels for Western Australian, Northern Territory or Tasmanian addresses.

Every care is taken to provide accurate descriptions and information on each variety. Please note that characteristics will vary depending on the growing conditions. The information provided may not be completely accurate for your climate or growing conditions.

Placing orders

We do accept large advance orders but, we do not take orders for individual items not currently in stock. But, you can ask to be notified when a particular variety becomes available by adding your email address into the box provided on each detailed product page and clicking the NOTIFY ME button.

If you subscribe to our email service (at the bottom of each page of our website), we will send you an alert whenever new stock is added to our website, including when our new season's catalogue is launched.

Shipping charges can be confirmed when checking out before finalising your purchase. Our Shipping Charge includes labour, materials and fees for picking out, final washing, trimming if required, tying, bagging, final wrapping and postage. The cost to process additional trees after the first is considerably lower so much of the shipping charge occurs even if a single tree is sent. The cost for each additional tree is much lower. We aim to cover our costs as much as possible with the Shipping Charge.

Yes as long as your original order has not been packed. You will have to pay some additional postage equivalent to the amount you would have been charged had a single order included all your purchases. We will combine orders that are to be collected and let you know when each order is ready for collection.

Select the Shipping Method option: "POST with my earlier order(s) - (do not choose if this is your first order for the season)" for second, and subsequent, orders at checkout.

If you plan to pick up multiple orders select the shipping option: "COLLECT with my earlier order(s) - (select if you already have an order you will be collecting)" for second, and subsequent, orders at checkout.

This offer is not available for non-plant orders. That's all there is to it.

No, our trees are grown in-ground, then lifted at the start of winter to be shipped bare-rooted during July and August. We do not grow or sell evergreen fruits like citrus. Blueberries are grown in pots and, while pots may be removed for shipping, the plants are not fully bare-rooted due to their very fine root systems.

Orders for plant and non-plant items may cancelled for a full refund at any time up until order status has been changed to Order Processed - this means your order is about to be picked out and packed and can no longer be changed or combined with new orders.

Cancellation of Workshop bookings may incur a fee. more....

All about shipping and collection

Deliveries commence around mid-July each year after plants have been dug, washed and graded. We send you an email when orders have been dispatched or are available for collection.

We use Australia Post to send parcels nationally. Please DO NOT send any special delivery instructions. Your parcel will be delivered in exactly the same way Australia Post normally delivers large parcels to your postal address.

If Australia Post is unable to deliver your parcel or if you have a Post Office Box, a card will be left to let you know there is a parcel waiting for you at your local Post Office. If you do not collect the parcel within one week, a second card will be left for you. If the parcel remains uncollected after a further week, it will be returned to us.

If this happens, we will let you know by email and request further instructions from you. We can post the parcel back to the same address or a new address AFTER payment of a new postage charge plus a $25 handling fee. We will not refund any part of the original purchase price.

No, there is no charge if you elect to collect your order. Orders will only be available for collection after an email is sent to you stating that your order has been picked out and is ready for copllectionm. 

What does my Order Status mean?

This means that your order has been accepted and is paid for, but has not been internally processed or picked out.

This means your order is about to be picked out and packed and can no longer be changed or combined with new orders.

Your order is ready for collection on nominated days. We send you an email when your order is ready with the available pick-up dates.

Some items in your order have been shipped. This occurs when non-plant items such as labels or tools are shipped to you before fruit trees are ready. We send an email when we ship your order.

Your order has been shipped. We send an email when we ship your order.

Your order has been cancelled.

How big are our trees?

Many of our trees are whips which consist of a main stem with few if any laterals (side branches). Other fruit trees will come with laterals and are described often as feathered trees. Unless otherwise stated our standard sized tree is a minimum of approx. 75cm long (from ground level to tip). Some rootstock/variety combinations produce much longer trees. Longer trees must be trimmed to meet Australia Post maximum parcel dimension of 105cm if being shipped.

We also use a method called "Spring Budding". This is similar to Summer Budding except the buds of the desired variety are inserted into the stems of growing rootstocks during spring. Then, over the following few weeks, the rootstock is progressively cut back to the bud so that it grows away within weeks of its insertion. By the following winter, a healthy although somewhat smaller fruit tree is ready to lift a full year earlier than a Summer Budded tree. Spring Budded trees, popular in the commercial sector due to their compact size and ease of handling, are ideal for mail order handling as they do not require much (if any) cutting back. We generally look for a minimum height of around 50cm depending on variety.

Fruiting, Pruning & Training

This varies quite a lot between different types of fruit trees and is affected by the choice of rootstock, the skill in growing and success in pollination. Apples on dwarf rootstocks can have fruit within two years while most stone fruit will bear some fruit within three years. Other types may take up to five years.

All young fruit trees need some pruning before they are planted into their permanent growing positions. The pruning we do when the trees are lifted, washed and graded before they are sent out or collected from us saves our customers from having to do it themselves. If you want a tree to branch even lower than where we have already cut, simply make a new pruning cut at the desired level at planting time.

We recommend pruning deciduous fruit trees when planting. This stimulates multiple buds to grow in the first spring season which can be manipulated and/or selectively removed to produce a tree of the desired shape and structure.

You do not need a dwarf tree to create an espalier. This form of training is reputed to date from Ancient Roman times – well before dwarfing rootstocks were around. The practice itself restricts tree growth, so the increased vigour of a larger tree may often be an advantage.

It will be necessary for your fruit trees to have regular watering to grow, flower and fruit. However, if you live in an area that has significant summer rainfall – greater than 100mm of rain per month over summer – you may not have to water very often.

The amount of watering required depends on soil type, the age of the trees and seasonal weather conditions. As a guide, if grass and pasture browns off over summer, then some watering is probably going to be required.

We experience summer temperatures over 40 and frosts as low as -5 – and can successfully grow all the varieties we offer for sale. Some light shading helps avoid burning or scalding of fruits when there are very high temperatures.

Late heavy frosts during or after flowering may lower yields.

All deciduous fruit trees have limiting factors that affect the way they grow and fruit. These include (but are not limited to) location, sunlight, aspect, soil type, shade, wind and the fruit variety itself. Some of these factors can influence the amount of '"chill units" received by your fruit trees.

Chill Units (also called Chill Hours) refers to the total amount of time a fruit tree needs to be exposed to effective winter temperatures to help them break dormancy and flower and set fruit normally.Varieties that have a low chill requirement can fruit reliably as far north as south-east Queensland.

To find out which low chill varieties we stock, type "low chill" into the search box at the top of the homepage on our website.

Just about everything we grow is NOT suitable for Far North Queensland! Deciduous fruit trees need a winter chill period to flower and set fruit. We suggest you try local fruit tree suppliers and nurseries for information about what you can grow successfully in your location.

Gift Certificates

There is a "Gift Voucher" link at the bottom of our web page. Click on this and follow the instructions to add a Gift Certificate to your Shopping Cart.

When checking out enter the Gift Certificate (or voucher) number, EXACTLY as provided, in the box at the bottom right of the page – the one which says Redeem gift certificate, then press GO.

Continue with the checkout process and pay for any part of your purchase not covered by the value of the Gift Certificate.

If you do not use the full value of a gift certificate, the unused balance can be redeemed against a future purchase. Gift Certificates cannot be exchanged for cash.