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Useful references

We use many sources, including our combined 70+ years as professional horticulturists, to produce the variety descriptions and associated information supplied on our website. We do our level best to acknowledge the source of images and information on the page where it has been utilised.

Where a number in parentheses. eg (1) is included in a product description it refers to one of the references listed below.

  1. Hedrick U.P. (1910). Eighteenth Annual Report, Vol. 3, Part II, The Plums of New York, Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1910. State of New York - Department of Agriculture. Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1911.
  2. Hedrick U.P. (1916). Twenty-fourth Annual Report, Vol. 2, Part II, The Peaches of New York, Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1916. State of New York - Department of Agriculture. Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1917.
  3. Hedrick U.P. (1921). Twenty-ninth Annual Report, Vol. 2, Part II, The Pears of New York, Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1921. State of New York - Department of Agriculture. Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1921
  4. Beach S.A. et al. (1903). The Apples of New York, Volume I Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1903. State of New York - Department of Agriculture. Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1905.
  5. Beach S.A. et al. (1903). The Apples of New York, Volume II Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station for the year 1903. State of New York - Department of Agriculture. Albany: J.B. Lyon Company, 1905.
  6. Bultitude J. (1983) Apples A Guide to the Identification of International Varieties. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
  7. Smith Muriel W.G. (1971) National Apple Register of the United Kingdom. London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  8. Fiala Fr. John L. (1994) Flowering Crabapples The Genus Malus. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press.
  9. Glowinski, L. (1991) The complete book of fruit growing in Australia. Lothian Publishing Company, Port Melbourne.
  10. Lyle, S. (2006) Fruit & nuts: A comprehensive guide to the cultivation, uses and health benefits of over 300 food-producing plants. Timber Press, Oregon USA.
  11. Cirami, R. (1996) Tablegrapes for the home garden: A practical guide to growing tablegrapes in your garden. Winetitles, Marleston, SA.
  12. Gilbert, A. (2011) Berry bounty. Hyland House Publishing, Australia.
  13. Clark, M. (2003) Apples, a field guide. Whittet Books Ltd. Stowmarket, Suffolk.
  14. Lord, E. E. and Willis, J. H. (1982) Shrubs and trees for Australian gardens (5th End). Lothian Publishing Company, Melbourne.
  15. Macoboy, S. (1979) What tree is that? Ure Smith, Sydney.
  16. Kuitert, W with Peterse, A (1999) Japanese Flowering Cherries. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon
  17. Ian A. Merwin (2008) Some Antique Apples for Modern Orchards. Department of Horticulture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. NEW YORK FRUIT QUARTERLY, VOLUME 16 , NUMBER 4.