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T.B. Cosford hazelnut


TB Cosford, or Brownfield Tokolyi Cosford or Tokolyi Cosford, was selected in Australia. It is a vigorous hardy tree with good steady yields. It’s major use is for blanched kernels and is suitable in confectionaries. The mid-brown nuts have a thin shell and are medium-sized.

Hazelnuts prefer mild summers and cool winters (temperate climate) and do best when a number of conditions are met: annual rainfall of over 750 mm or additional irrigation especially while establishing after planting; and protection from wind and high summer temperatures.

  • Pollination Group: Male and female flowers on the same tree don’t always flower at the same time so it is best to have other varieties present in particular: Barcelona, Tonda Di Giffoni, Lewis, Wanliss Pride, Red Aveline.
  • Uses: eating, cooking, roasting
  • Harvest: nuts fall (Feb to March)
  • Chill requirement: Requires about 1,200 hours of 5 to 7 deg C. Female flowers are vulnerable to frosts below -5 deg C especially when opening.
  • Features: Australian-selected variety for late summer to early autumn nuts

Reference 1

Reference 2

Reference 3: Lyle, S. (2006) Fruit & nuts: A comprehensive guide to the cultivation, uses and health benefits of over 300 food-producing plants. Timber Press, Oregon USA.
