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Golden Elm (Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens')


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The deciduous Golden Elm (Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens') will be familiar to many people in south eastern Australia. These large wide trees are a sight to behold when in full summer leaf giving a golden feature to any landscape. It is also known as the Golden Wych Elm. Not to be confused with Ulmus procera 'Louis Van Houtte'. Some of the Heritage Fruit Trees team studied horticulture at Burnley in Melbourne and regularly passed a magnificent mature tree on Punt Road in South Yarra not far from the Royal Botanic Gardens. It was huge and beautifully proportioned with a rounded wide canopy with its skirt reaching down to the ground. It coped well with the air pollution generated from many passing vehicles. It looks stunning when illuminated by sunshine with a dark stormy sky behind and works particularly well when grown near a tree with purple foliage to contrast against.

• Uses: ornamental tree, shade tree, specimen tree, avenue or paddock tree
• Size: 10 metres high x 12 metres wide depending on conditions
• Tolerances: air pollution
• Features: yellow foliage over summer, turning more intense gold in autumn